The State Land Board offers seminars at no cost to our lessees because we aim to provide ranchers -- and our lessees -- with more tools to become better stewards of trust land and to become more profitable through the use of adaptive grazing management practices and improved business practices. Stewardship matters to us because trust land needs to earn income not only for today's students, but also for future generations of students.
Upcoming lecture: Increasing Profits Through Adaptive Grazing Management
Presented by Dr. Roy Roath
Dr. Roath will describe how rest and recovery as part of a planned grazing management system can impact profitability in your operation and ecological health of your forage resource. The seminars are an interactive discussion with leaders in the industry to help land managers improve their rangeland resources.
We are offering two sessions at different locations in the state to make it possible for more customers to attend. Registration has closed.
Monday, January 27, 2025
9 am - 3 pm (breakfast served at 8:30 am)
Northeastern Junior College
100 College Ave
Sterling, CO 80751
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
9 am -3 pm (breakfast served at 8:30 am)
CSU Pueblo
2200 Bonforte Blvd
Pueblo, CO 81001
Dr. Roy Roath is a leader in range management practices helping managers to improve rangelands throughout the west and internationally as a researcher, teacher, and mentor to ranches and agency personnel around the world who are interested in improving species diversity, watershed function, wildlife habitat, and ranch profitability. Dr. Roath is the author of over 200 research or management articles. Dr. Roath holds a PhD in Range Management and Ruminant Nutrition.
Dr. Roath was instrumental in developing the Western Center for Integrated Resource Management program at CSU, a special Master's Degree program for resource based business and land managers.
Dr. Roath also developed the Grazing Response Index to help land managers plan and assess the effects of their grazing management actions on plant communities.
We are very excited to have Dr. Roath present for us at this year's seminars!
We are offering this program for free because we aim to provide ranchers -- and our lessees -- with more tools to become better stewards of trust land and to become more profitable through the use of adaptive grazing management practices and improved business practices.
Yes. As an attendee to the annual lessee forums as well as the upcoming 3-day adaptive management course, a lessee's participation will be considered when evaluating competitive bid applications. Other adaptive management seminars may also be considered that you have participated in.
- January 2023
- Forum in Pueblo with Dave Pratt titled 'Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Managing Through Drought'
- Forum in Ft. Collins with Dave Pratt titled 'Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Managing Through Drought'
- December 2021: virtual forum featuring Dallas Mount, CEO of Ranch Management Consultants, Ranching for Profit School Instructor
- January 2020: one-day forum featuring Dallas Mount, CEO of Ranch Management Consultants, Ranching for Profit School Instructor
- January 2019: one-day forum featuring Dr. Tim Steffans, Assistant Professor, Rangeland Resource Management, West Texas A&M University
Do you have a suggestion for a forum topic? Please let us know by contacting William Woolston, Field Operations Supervisor, at