An innovative land trust funding public schools since 1876.


Water Resources

The State Land Board manages a portfolio of water rights and water-related resources, and we consider proposals to monetize or enhance water-related assets through development, acquisition, and disposal.  

Our current portfolio of water assets includes:

  • shares in multiple ditch companies,
  • decreed ground water and associated structures, and
  • approximately 250,000 acres of surface ownership and reserved groundwater associated with state trust mineral estate located above or within the Denver Basin aquifers.

Water resources are used on state trust land and also leased for use on private land. We are exploring opportunities to increase the value of the current water assets with intentions to acquire additional water assets that can be used on state trust land. 

For questions or assistance about water-related leases, please contact Justin Bieri, Water Program Manager, at 720-854-3345 or

For questions or assistance about irrigated crop land, check out our agriculture leasing opportunities

water with clouds reflecting cloudy sky with mountaints/tree in background