We are proud to generate revenue for Colorado public schools by stewarding trust assets, and we strive to be as transparent as possible about our work.
How can we help you? Contact us by geographic region or leasing type. Or view the full employee contact list if you know the name of the person you're trying to reach.
Before visiting us in-person at one of our seven offices, please check which office serves your county:
Last name | First name | Title | Phone | |
Adame | Hilda | District Assistant (Southeast) | 719-336-3031 | hilda.adame@state.co.us |
Albrecht | Dale | Accounting Technician Apprentice | 720-854-3310 | dale.albrecht@state.co.us |
Barbo | Emily | Outreach & Communications Manager | 720-854-3330 | emily.barbo@state.co.us |
Bautista | Felicia | Budget and Policy Analyst | 720-854-3307 | felicia.bautista@state.co.us |
Bessette | Andy | Transactions and Record Services Manager | 720-854-3324 | andy.bessette@state.co.us |
Bieri | Justin | Water Program Manager | 720-854-3345 | justin.bieri@state.co.us |
Bradshaw | Heather | Accountant | 720-854-3319 | heather.bradshaw@state.co.us |
Brandt | Lindsey | Biodiversity Program Manager | 720-854-3337 | lindsey.brandt@state.co.us |
Carlson | Cooper | Resource Specialist (North Colorado) | 970-454-5279 | cooper.carlson@state.co.us |
Carlson | Erika | Stewardship Technician | 720-854-3344 | erika.carlson@state.co.us |
Clark | Bandy | District Assistant (SW) | 719-589-2360 | bandy.clark@state.co.us |
Dennis | Hannah | CORA & Records Technician | 720-854-3312 | hannah.dennis@state.co.us |
Earnest | Charon | Data Systems Manager | 720-854-3315 | charon.earnest@state.co.us |
Freese | Steve | Minerals Field Specialist | 303-905-2808 | steve.freese@state.co.us |
Gottsegen | Mindy | Conservation Services Manager | 720-854-3318 | mindy.gottsegen@state.co.us |
Hoyt | Eliot | Assistant Director of Sustainability and Working Lands | 720-854-3309 | eliot.hoyt@state.co.us |
Karg | Elissa | District Assistant (Northeast) | 970-522-0975 | elissa.karg@state.co.us |
Koranda | Christel | Minerals Director | 720-854-3321 | christel.koranda@state.co.us |
Laca | Tom | Resource Specialist | 719-543-7403 | tom.laca@state.co.us |
LaFontaine | Matthew | Acquisition and Disposition Manager | 720-854-3335 | matthew.lafontaine@state.co.us |
Lee | Sherry | Resource Extraction Technician | 720-854-3322 | sherry.lee@state.co.us |
Leingang | Jeri | Assistant District Manager (North Central) | 970-454-5279 | jeri.leingang@state.co.us |
Lindsey | Marina | Auditor | 720-854-3308 | marina.lindsey@state.co.us |
Logan | Shawn | Planning Specialist | 720-854-3346 | shawn.logan@state.co.us |
Majors | Julie | Real Estate Portfolio Agent | 720-854-3336 | julie.majors@state.co.us |
Markham | Le Ann | District Assistant (South Central) | 719-543-7403 | leann.markham@state.co.us |
Majich | Rachel | Executive Administrator and Office Manager | 720-854-3306 | rachel.majich@state.co.us |
Massie | Nick | Interim Director, Chief Financial Officer/Chief Operating Officer | 720-854-3316 | nick.massie@state.co.us |
McAninch | Mike | Investment Officer | 720-854-3323 | mike.mcaninch@state.co.us |
Medina | Abraham | Recreation Program Manager | 720-854-3342 | abraham.medina@state.co.us |
Morgan | Spencer | Right of Way & Renewable Energy Technician | 720-854-3320 | spencer.morgan@state.co.us |
Parker | Mariah | District Manager (South Central) | 719-543-7403 | mariah.parker@state.co.us |
Price | Jesse | Regenerative Agriculture Manager | 719-543-7403 | jesse.price@state.co.us |
Ritterholz | Veronica | Finance Manager and Controller | 720-854-3341 | veronica.ritterholz@state.co.us |
Rodenberg | David | Renewable Energy, ROW and Tower Sites Manager | 720-854-3328 | david.rodenberg@state.co.us |
Sloan | Alec | Recreation Technician | 720-854-3339 | alec.sloan@state.co.us |
Smith | Chris | Real Estate Section Manager | 720-854-3327 | christopher.smith@state.co.us |
Smith | Jerod | District Manager (Northwest) | 970-879-9992 | jerod.smith@state.co.us |
Solis-Ramirez | Liz | Real Estate Technician | 720-854-3329 | liz.solisramirez@state.co.us |
Spitellie | Peggy | District Assistant (Northwest) | 970-879-9992 | peggy.spitellie@state.co.us |
Stitt | Catie | Oil and Gas Specialist | 720-854-3326 | catie.stitt@state.co.us |
Strickert | Wilbur | District Manager (Northeast) | 970-522-0975 | wilbur.strickert@state.co.us |
Swainston | Polly (Pauline) | Accountant | 720-854-3332 | pauline.swainston@state.co.us |
Teschner | Benjamin | Solid Minerals Leasing Manager | 720-854-3313 | benjamin.teschner@state.co.us |
Turner | Rachel | District Manager (North Central) | 970-454-5279 | rachel.turner@state.co.us |
Van Dyk | Eric | District Manager (South East) | 719-336-3031 | eric.vandyk@state.co.us |
Woolston | William | Field Operations Supervisor | 720-557-6379 | william.woolston@state.co.us |
Young | Kimberly | Procurement Manager | 720-854-3331 | kimberly.young@state.co.us |