Accommodation statement: the State of Colorado is committed to providing equitable access to our services to all Coloradans. Please contact Rachel Majich ( or 303-866-3454) for personalized accessibility assistance. We will contact you directly within three business days. Visit our accessibility webpage for more information and services, including AIRA, our free service for blind and low-vision users. This page provides a text-only version of a visual diagram titled 'Irrigatted Crop Rate Formulas on State Trust Lands.'
Formulas are a function of land productivity, improvement ownership, and water rights. The State Land Board's charge is 25 percent cash rent based on crop sharing. The industry standard is 1/3 to 2/3 share.
There are four formulas for four different scenarios: tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, and dry crop. They four formulas are similar in that they are based on land productivity, market rates, and 5-year average pricing. They differ regarding fallow and ownership adjustments.
- Formula for irrigated crop land (tier 1 -- SLB owns land, water, and improvements): USDA 5-year commodity county average yield multiplied by USDA 5-year price of crop commodity multiplied by 25 percent landowner share = cash rent equivalent
- Rate = cash rent equivalent
- Example using Bent County yields and corn: 120x$3.80x25% = $114/acre
- Formula for irrigated crop land (tier 2 -- SLB owns land and water; SLB does not own improvements): USDA 5-year commodity county average yield multiplied by USDA 5-year price of crop commodity multiplied by 25 percent landowner share minus $40 for adjustments for improvements = cash rent equivalent
- Rate = cash rent equivalent
- Example using Bent County yields and corn: 120x$3.80x25% - $40 = $74/acre
- Formula for irrigated crop land (tier 3 -- SLB owns land; SLB does not own water or improvements): USDA 5-year commodity county average yield multiplied by USDA 5-year price of crop commodity multiplied by 12.5 percent landowner share = cash rent equivalent
- Rate = cash rent equivalent
- Example using Bent County yields and corn: 120x$3.80x12.5% = $57/acre
- Formula for dry crop land: USDA 5-year commodity county average yield multiplied by USDA 5-year price of crop commodity = gross multiplied by 25 percent landowner share multiplied by 50 percent for biannual fallow assumption = cash rent equivalent
- Rate = cash rent equivalent
- Example using Bent County yields and corn: 18x$4.79 = $86.22 x 25% x 50% = $10.78/acre